Tatiana Malevich, Denis Kozhevnikov
Debates about Innate Religiosity in the Cognitive Science of Religion
Tatiana Malevich - Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), t.v.malevich@gmail.com
Denis Kozhevnikov - Center for Psychology of Religion, St. Tikhon's Orthodox University (Moscow, Russia), d.d.kozhevnikov@gmail.com
This paper gives an overview of the current debate in the cognitive theories of religion over the relative role of social and cultural versus biological and cognitive factors in the development and formation of religious beliefs. One of the key elements of this debate is the so-called Born Believers thesis. Here we identify and analyze in detail its underlying assumptions, major components, and argumentation. We also show limitations and weak empirical validity of the alternative to Born Believers thesis hypothesis - treating religion as the result solely of religious socialization and enculturation. Furthermore, we identify the place of the Born Believers thesis in the context of the wider "innateness" debate in cognitive sciences. This thesis satisfies the minimum condition of "innateness" and may serve as a useful heuristic tool in cross-cultural research and in studies of children's
Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ 14-18-03771 "Современная западная психология религии: адаптация в российском контексте", организация-адресат финансирования - Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет.
Малевич Т., Кожевников Д. Дискуссии о "врожденной" религиозности в когнитивном религиоведении // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2016. N2. С. 373-398.
Malevich, Tatiana, Kozhevnikov, Denis (2016) "Innate Religiousness Debate in the Cognitive Science of Religion", Gosudarstvo. religiia, tserkou' v Rossii i za rubezhom 34(2): 373-398.
стр. 373
religiosity. At the same time, we demonstrate how the Born Believers thesis reveals the limitations of the cognitive approach to the study o ...
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