Alexander Kyrlezhev
Orthodox Commonwealth: A Typology of Autocephalous Churches
Alexander Kyrlezhev - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) (Moscow, Russia); Sts. Cyril and Methodius Post-Graduate Institute; Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The paper explores the relationships between the fourteen independent Eastern Orthodox churches making part of a so called diptychon - a list of churches placed in order of "honor". These fourteen churches take part at the Pan-Orthodox Council in June 2016. The author firstly defines the current meaning of church "autocephalous" status and then creates a typology of the Orthodox ecclesiastical subjects drawing upon history, current situation, and structural features. The paper concludes that any strict typology is impossible to develop, while the differences in particular aspects would not help to represent the configuration of the entire Orthodox commonwealth. Instead, the paper develops grouping by certain paradigms: national/ transnational; anachronic/diachronic, national/imperial. Also, the paper introduces a new paradigm of a "diffused church" that overlaps with the above paradigms. The paper then deals with the distinction between the "symbolic" and the "real" aspects of church constitution and church self-perception.
Keywords: Orthodox Church, autocephaly, typology of Orthodox Churches, church-organizational paradigm, nation, empire, Diaspora, Pan-Orthodox Council.
стр. 74
КОГДА говорят "православие", имея в виду христианский религиозный контекст, имплицитно речь идет о двух аспектах рассматриваемого феномена: с одной стороны, об одной из основных христианских конфессий в широком смысле (наряду с католицизмом и протестантизмом), а с другой - о сообществе или "семье" отдельных церквей, разделяющих общее вероучение и пребывающих в сакраментальном общении (communio in sacris). Эти два смысла термина указывают н ...
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