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Prospects for the use of conditional cell reprogramming technology for rejuvenation of the lung tissue. D.E. Jagarovi Research and Creative Laboratory, Georgia, Tbilisi-0167, Gldani 2-31-179 e-mail: ipsc-lab@mail.ru Chronic lung diseases in older people due to age-related changes are more severe and often cause death. Currently available drugs are not enough to successfully treat these age-related diseases. Additional measures are needed to increase the body's ability to regenerate lung tissue. One of the ways to achieve this goal can be the technology of conditional reprogramming of cells. So far, this technology has been successfully tested only for in vitro experiments. However, there are prerequisites to use this technology in vivo. This review focuses on the rationale for this approach based on available developments in this direction. Key words: rejuvenation, senolytics, ROCK inhibitors, conditionally reprogrammed cells
Сербиа Онлине · 2198 days ago 0 245
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Перспективы использования технологии условного перепрограммированния клеток для омоложения легочной ткани.

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