Anna Sokolova
Spontaneous Memorialization in Urban Landscape: the Case of Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl)
Anna Sokolova - Research Fellow, Russian Nation Research Department of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences, annadsokolova@gma …
The article shows how Robert Boyle's natural theology matched with his strong Christian theism. The author demonstrates how one of the founders of experimental science gave a theological interpretation to his research set, trying to banish suspicion agains …
John Milbank
Policing the Sublime: A Critique of the Sociology of Religion
John Milbank - Professor of Religion, Politics and Ethics at the University of Nottingham; Director of Center for Theology and Philosophy, University of Nottingham, Great Britain. J …
Eggert, M. and Holscher, L. (eds) (2013) Religion and Secularity. Transformations and Transfers of Religions Discourses in Europe and Asia. Leiden & Boston: Brill. - 286 p.
Сборник "Религия и секулярность. Трансформации и перемещения религиозных дискур …
Arthur Versluis
What Is Esoteric? Methods in the Study of Western Esotericism
Arthur Versluis - Chair of the Department of Religious Studies and Professor, College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University (USA),
In this article t …
Kateryna Zorya
From Charm to Ritual: Transformations of "Magic" in the Post-Soviet Space
Kateryna Zorya - Member of the Association for the Study of Esotericism and Mysticism (Kiev, Ukraine),
The article examines the changing definitions o …
Alexander Rychkov
The Reception of Gnostic Ideas in Russian Literature of the Early 20th Century.
Alexander Rychkov - Senior Researcher in the Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Moscow); Member of theRussian Association for the Study …
К. Бурмистров249 p.
Эзотерический подтекст целых эпох в истории русской культуры XIII - начала XX века, тяга к мистическому, оккультному, которую испытывали и первые русские интеллигенты времен Екатерины Великой, и романтики начала XIX столетия, и поэты Се …
Смирнов М. Ю. Религия и религиоведение в России. СПб: Издательство Русской христианской гуманитарной академии, 2013. - 365 с.
Религия и наука о религии в России - такова тема новой монографии Михаила Юрьевича Смирнова. Предисловие "От автора" обстоятельно …
This is a Russian translation of a text by Robert Boyle, which deals with the problem of faith and reason. Boyle claims that some truths of Christianity are above possibilities of human reason: human reason can't achieve them unassisted by God's revelation …
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