Инструкция по использованию РСЭК (Региональный сводный электронный каталог библиотек Беларуси) в переводе на английский язык
RUEC help Search The Search function provides you possibility to find records by entering keywords or phrases. There are three search types available in the RUEC: “Basic”, “Advanced” and “Search also”. Basic Search Basic Search form is located at the top of the page. It contain text filed where you can provide keywords or phrases, drop down control, which provides possibility to define search scope (default is search in all fields), and search button on the right side of the search form. Advanced Search Advanced Search allows you to create more complex queries by combining several parameters and applying various facets. By default, three fields are offered for query generation. It is possible at any time to add or remove new search field by clicking “[+]” or “[-]” controls. Each field is accompanied by a drop-down that lets you specify the type of data (Keywords, Subject, Title, UDC, BBC, Author, Publisher, Publisher location, ISSN, ISBN) you are searching for. Keyword search is offered by default. You can search using the logical operators “AND”, “OR”, and “NOT”. At the bottom of the Advanced Search page are additional controls (Document Type, Publication Date Range, Document Language, and Location). This will allow you to narrow your search results. Search also This feature allows you to perform additional searches in the largest open access search engines: “Электронный каталог Национальной библиотеки Беларуси”, “Библиопоиск”, “WorldCat”, “Google Scholar”, “Google Books”, “Электронный каталог Российской государственной библиотеки”, “Электронный каталог Российской национальной библиотеки”, “Электронно-библиотечная система Znanium.com”, “Электронно-библиотечная система Издательства Лань”, “BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)”, “Internet Archive”, “CORE (COnnecting REpositories)” and “Open Library”. You can also find full-text documents and information about the possibility of their acquisition. First you need to create a search query on the main page or using th ... Читать далее
Сербиа Онлине · 2071 days ago 0 266
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Инструкция по использованию РСЭК (Региональный сводный электронный каталог библиотек Беларуси) в переводе на английский язык

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