How electrons turn into positrons
How electrons turn into positrons   The diode bridge does not rectify the alternating current. No wonder the diode is called a valve. The valve is either open or closed. According to our hypothesis, the conduction current in metallic conductors is the electron-positron current propagating in the ether adjacent to the conductor. And alternating current is a counter, but alternating motion of electrons and positrons. And rectified alternating current is the consecutive motion of positrons after electrons, which are transformed - by means of a diode bridge - into positrons. The transformation occurs by replacing the charge motion vector with the opposite vector. This is explained by the fact that all elements of the electron's magnetoelectric system are opposite to all elements of the positron's magnetoelectric system. And this opposite is determined by the vector of their movement in space. Therefore, it is only necessary to change - by means of a diode bridge, or a mechanical rectifier - the motion vector of one of the charges on the opposite vector, as soon as this charge turns into its antipode. The electron motion vector is opposite to the positron motion vector, both in conductors and in electromagnetic waves.   Details can be found on the author's website: article Theory of Fundamental Interactions (the Great Unification took place)     Как электроны превращаются в позитроны   Диодный мост не выпрямляет переменный ток. Не зря диод называют вентилем. Вентиль, либо открыт, либо закрыт. По нашей гипотезе током проводимости в металлических проводниках является электронно-позитронный ток, распространяющийся в прилегающем к проводнику эфире. И переменный ток есть встречное, но попеременное движение электронов и позитронов. А выпрямленный переменный ток есть последовательное движение позитронов вслед за электронами, которые превращены – посредством диодного моста – в позитроны. Превращение происходит посредством замены вектора движения з ... Read more
Сербиа Онлине · 2224 days ago 0 214
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Сербиа Онлине
Belgrade, Serbia
17.01.2019 (2224 days ago)
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How electrons turn into positrons

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