The correct classification of the laws of social development largely depends on the application of these laws in scientific research and in life. Each of the social sciences has its own system of laws, the nature of which is determined by the subject of this science and the specifics of its method. Despite all the differences between the laws of historical materialism, political economy, aesthetics, concrete sociology, literary theory, art history, and other social sciences (in terms of the scale of phenomena covered by the laws, the level of abstraction, the degree of formalization, etc.), all of them are characterized by a certain qualitative uniformity as the laws of certain social systems, whether it is humanity as a whole, or individual socio-economic formations, stages of a particular formation (for example, the laws of imperialism) , or various relatively independent aspects of the historical process. Naturally, the different nature of these systems also implies a different level of abstraction from the concrete historical manifestations of a particular law, from its particular modifications due to various specific circumstances. At the same time, the level of abstraction in general social laws is, of course, higher than in the laws of individual formations or individual aspects of social existence.
Are there, however, in the diversity of social development such phenomena, processes, and dependencies that are generalized by laws qualitatively different from the laws of systems, characterized by a fundamentally different level of abstraction? The study of Lenin's approach to the laws of social life, the methodology of their analysis and use, as well as the study of the laws themselves formulated by V. I. Lenin, give, in our opinion, the basis for discussing the hypothesis proposed below. In addition to the laws of systems (or general laws), there is another extremely important type of laws, which can be conditionally called the laws of historical situations. T ...
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