The article examines the experience of studying the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918 by the international research community. The article shows the unprecedented interest towards this historical event, which went beyond the borders of the Russian church history and became a symbol of the renewal of church life. The Council's activity is examined through the prism of the research interest of Russian and foreign authors. Particular attention is paid to the research project of German theologian and historian professor Gunther Schulz, in the series "Church Reforms", which are dedicated to the history of preparation and activity of the Council, edited by archpriest Nikolai Balashov, as well as to the monograph by French Catholic theologian, priest Hyacinthe Destivelle.
Keywords: History of Russia (USSR), history of Russian Church, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918, renewal, the restoration of the patriarchate, the laity in the Church, deaconess in Russian church, Prof. Gunther Schulz, pr. Hyacinthe Destivelle, pr. Nikolai Balashov.
The text was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation No. 15-18-00135 Project " Individual, ethnic group, religion in the process of intercultural interaction: Russian and world experience in the formation of a common civil identity".
page 379The Local Council of the Russian Church of 1917-1918 was held in the context of the revolution and the collapse of the Russian Empire. Even then, many participants in the Council recognized it not just as a turning point, but as an event unprecedented for the entire Russian Orthodoxy. The principles of conciliar governance of the Church, the active involvement of the laity in the life of church institutions at all levels, and the reform of worship and language - these vectors of church renewal outlined at the Local Council of the Russian Church have been in the focus of attention of the Christian world throughout the 20th century. ...
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