Soviet researchers have done much to study the history of the proletariat and the working-class movement in capitalist Russia. At the same time, the labor movement has not yet received a corresponding statistical reflection in the literature. One of the prerequisites for a further fruitful study of the history of the working class is to compile as complete a chronicle of the working-class movement as possible, and on this basis to quantify the various forms of struggle and organizations of the proletariat.
The classics of Marxism-Leninism attached great importance to chronicles, and when preparing their research, they themselves repeatedly resorted to compiling them. Thus, in the last years of his life, E. Marx worked on "Chronological Extracts" 1. V. I. Lenin wrote "The experience of summarizing the main data of world history after 1870" 2 . It is well known what role Lenin assigned to the study of statistics of the working-class movement in Russia. He considered, for example, that it was impossible to understand the events of the revolution of 1905 - 1907 and the change in its political forms if "we do not study the basis of these events and this change in forms from the statistics of strikes." 3 For scientific and political conclusions, Lenin repeatedly used statistical data on the forms of struggle and organization of the proletariat and worked on compiling similar materials himself .4In Soviet historiography, considerable attention is paid to the preparation of chronicles and quantitative methods of studying historical phenomena. The most comprehensive Biochronics of V. I. Lenin was prepared by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU5 . The chronicles of the Great October Socialist Revolution 6 are widely known . Attempts to compile chronicles of the working - class movement in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries have been made repeatedly. 7 However , they are usually considered to be the most important sources of infor ...
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