Photo effect as a reflection of an electromagnetic wave from a cathode, or a positron photo effect
Photo effect as a reflection of an electromagnetic wave from a cathode, or a positron photo effect According to our hypothesis, the conduction current is the current of electrons and positrons propagating in the ether, which surrounds the conductor. And according to our hypothesis, the photo effect is not a knockout of an electron from the cathode, but a reflection of an electromagnetic wave from the cathode. According to our hypothesis, an electromagnetic wave is formed by electrons and positrons. And these hypotheses completely overturn our understanding of the process of the photoelectric effect. In addition, according to our hypothesis, the discharge current of batteries is positron current. And if the minus potential is attached to the anode, and the cathode is irradiated with light, then the photocurrent will be formed by the discharge current of the battery, plus the positrons of the electromagnetic wave reflected by the cathode, which are also attracted by the anode. Negative potential at the anode does not allow the electrons of the electromagnetic wave to participate in the formation of the photocurrent. If a positive potential is added to the anode, then the positrons of the electromagnetic wave will not be able to participate in the formation of the photocurrent, and the electrons of the electromagnetic wave will participate in the formation of the photocurrent. But in this case, the potential of the discharge current of the battery will be the counter current generated by the electrons of the electromagnetic wave. Therefore, when the negative voltage increases, when these potentials equalize, then the photocurrent will be zero. Our hypothesis is consistent with the laws of the photoelectric effect. 1. The number of charges reflected by the cathode in one second is proportional to the intensity of the light falling on the cathode. 2. The kinetic energy of the charges does not depend on the intensity of the light incident on the cathode, but linearly dep ... Read more
Сербиа Онлине · 2105 days ago 0 294
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Сербиа Онлине
Belgrade, Serbia
04.12.2018 (2105 days ago)
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Photo effect as a reflection of an electromagnetic wave from a cathode, or a positron photo effect

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