Libmonster ID: RS-624
Author(s) of the publication: Sviatoslav Martynov
Educational Institution \ Organization: MIM LINK


Many of you and your associates are operating in the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions y.e.

This is about your transactions... Direct or Indirect or Potential. Not so long ago, many of you became players in "Cybereconomics". In a fundamentally new transformation of the digital world, about which many of us are still little known..

Purchase and exchange of fiat money, work on the transformation of fiat money into cryptocurrency. Buying a car, apartments, loans from financial institutions... Et cetera.

There are lucky people who work in their own business or act as investors.

Among such fellow citizens happen and quite successful, which can not but please ... ...

Twenty million of our fellow citizens live and prosper. They are usually close to budget allocations..

Since the beginning of the 2000s, many have found a job and a calling in the “Digital”. In the big data system. In neural networks...

We know companies that work in the programming system, as well as in the big data system. Thousands of successful companies work in these areas..! There are thousands of others working in related directions, because the digital world is created according to the cluster principle and clusters are interconnected..

This level of doing business is quite comparable to some “quantum interaction” at a rather complex level... Very conditional, of course.

Local “quantum interactions” are free to connect the worlds of cryptocurrencies with the worlds of vulgar Goods and Services (GDP). The mercantilists do not comprehend and continue not to comprehend the picture of these interactions.

They are just forming... A quantum computer can solve a problem in a fraction of a second. It used to take a thousand years!

Slim mathematical algorithms are not ready to be paired with games of vulgar financial manipulation of markets and “exchange frenzy”.

Mathematics is built on certain universals, which gentlemen “marketers” never thought to observe. They don’t, in principle.. JAnd in this part of Mathematics with the Money Changers will not be able to come together.


“Schrödinger’s Cat” Won’t Steal a Sausage from Your Cat’s Bowl. 

We undertake to assert that the transactions of TNCs, working with the brothers "lesser" in rigid schemes, in a very imperative mood... 

In nature, we see how streams flow into small rivers, those into large and large ones. This is how global hydrosystems are formed, and Mr. World Ocean himself. In the system of world chemistry everything is different..!

Should a conditional million medium-sized companies go beyond the regional economies, how they will be “targeted” by global TNCs.

They are either bought cheaply or destroyed..

Now the first hundred Russian Unicorns are doomed to failure by definition.. Size matters!

Thousands of TNCs are feeding in the financial soup and they do not need competitors. In the world division of labor, we see the “catastrophically interesting” ups and downs of thousands of Unicorns.

In the background of battles - the struggle for the image of the Future!



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Sviatoslav Martynov, On Quantum Physics and Exchange Fever // Belgrade: Library of Serbia (LIBRARY.RS). Updated: 31.01.2025. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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Святослав Мартынов
Жуковский, Russia
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31.01.2025 (19 days ago)
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