Libmonster ID: RS-346
Author(s) of the publication: Sviatoslav Martynov
Educational Institution \ Organization: MIM LINK

There’s something else, which could not organically enter our hypertext. It could not on the very organization of extremely controversial grounds or the assumption of the authors.

We are “at the end of the attempt.”. And we make one last lunge!

Follow the phrase of the authors of the book "Morning of magicians":

“Our minds refuse to allow it, Nazi Germany brought civilization.., It has nothing to do with our. That's exactly it., and nothing else to justify the last war, One of the few, known to us in history, where the rate was actually very high. One of man’s two understandings should have triumphed. Heaven and Earth-humanistic or magical co-existence was impossible, while it was easy to imagine Marsism and liberalism coexisting: they rest on the same foundation, They belong to the same world. We strongly disagree here). But the world of Copernicus is not the world of Plotinus; they contradict each other at their very core, This is true only in theory.., In terms of social, Spiritually, Intellectually,emotional life.

A childhood memory of the difference between a “civilized man” and a, Who they are not, It prevents us from making a terrible assumption, that a different civilization might have arisen beyond the Rhine in the shortest possible time.

To feel it, We need feather headgear., Tamtams,huts. But it would be much easier to make a Bantu sorcerer “civilized, What does it have to do with Hitler’s humanity??, Gaushover or Herbiger. However,, German technique, German science, The German Organization, comparable to ours., They took that view away from us.. The remarkable novelty of Nazi Germany, that magical thought first took science and technology as its assistants.

Intelligent, Reproaching our civilization and turning to the spirit of the ancient years, They have always been enemies of technology.., René Guénon, Gurdjieff, Or countless Hindus. But Nazism was the medium, where the magical spirit has captured the foci of technical progress. Lenin said, Socialism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.”. Hitlerism, in a sense, Magic and Armored Divisions.»


We see the complexity of such citations out of context. We understand, The authors of Bergier and Povel stand on a thin red line...

Let us add important remarks to their controversial theses.

The war of civilizations leads to the accretion of liberals into the Nazi totality. No quotation marks.


It’s important, Beyond this struggle, we are collective.., How humanity is on the verge of destroying the unearthly, The silicon structure, Which we have created in the last 100 years..


Our Future has a third fork, far from the interpretation of organics as the basis of the organic nature of Being..

There are many more, What about biology! 


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Sviatoslav Martynov, Sorcerers and Twilight // Belgrade: Library of Serbia (LIBRARY.RS). Updated: 29.07.2024. URL: (date of access: 09.09.2024).

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Святослав Мартынов
Жуковский, Russia
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29.07.2024 (42 days ago)
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