Konstantin Antonov, Chair and Professor of the leading Orthodox university in Russia, answers the questions about the status of theology as an academic discipline. In particular, he discusses issues of the subject of theology, relations between theology and the study of religion, the nature of free theological investigation and the place of confessional loyalty in academic life. In the end, the question is raised about the possibility of installing confessional disciplines in non-confessional institutes of higher education.
Keywords: theology, Russian Orthodox Church, science and religion, study of religion.
What you you can to answer that, who approves, what theology - this the science about God? If this not the science about God and about in the world in the light Of god, that in than consists of special object and object theology?
Konstantin Antonov: First of all, I must say that the definition of theology as the science of God a is historical in the sense that it does not take into account changes in our ideas about the nature and possibilities of scientific knowledge. This change, which has the character of self-limitation, captures all the sciences, which as a result refine their subject. For example, psychology is the science of consciousness, behavior, and the psyche, but not of the "soul" in the Aristotelian or medieval sense. Similarly, the subject matter of theology should be clarified. It seems to me that the best way is to-
To Antonov "Theology is the science of the church as a certain factual reality..." (interview) / / State, Religion, Church in Russia and abroad. 2016. N 3. pp. 200-204.
Antonov, Konstantin (2016) "Theology is a discipline that studies Church as a certain factual reality...", Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 34(3): 200-204.
page 200A possible argument would be to define it as the science of the church's faith, or simply as a matter of fact about the church.
How you relate to to to your opinion religious scholars, ...
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