"What do we believe in?": revival of "traditional religion" in post-war Abkhazia
The article examines the religious revival in post-war Abkhazia, where "traditional religion" - the worship of sanctuaries - acquires the central place. Main supporters of this new myth of "traditional religion" are the government authorities of the self-proclaimed Republic of Abkhazia. The authorities deliberately regulate the religious field and promote what can be called a guided, controlled de-secularization. The idea that this "traditional religion" will become the officially recognized state religion of the Republic becomes increasingly popular. However, even without such an official recognition, the "traditional religion" dominates the field and prevails over its likely contenders, Christian Orthodoxy and Islam. anykha, Keywords: Republic of Abkhazia, Council of Priests of Abkhazia, sanctuary, secularism, "traditional religion", Christianity, Islam. Introduction PEACEFUL and tolerant coexistence of Orthodox Christianity, Sunni Islam and the so-called " traditional Abkhazian beliefs "("Abkhazian paganism") is an idea that has become widespread in the Soviet Union.- Работа выполнена в рамках проекта Transformation of Sacred Spaces, Pilgrimages and Conceptions of Hybridity in the Post-Soviet Caucasus (Research Grant of the Volkswagen Foundation "Between Europe and the Orient -A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus", Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany). Aghababyan A. "What do we believe in?" Vozrozhdenie "traditsionnoi religii" v postvoennoi Abkhazii [Revival of "traditional religion" in post-war Abkhazia]. 2016. N2. pp. 67-91. Agababyan, Arusyak (2016) '"What Do We Believe?': Rebirth of 'Traditional Religion' in Post-War Abkhazia", Gosudarstuo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 34(2): 67-91. page 67temporary Abkhazia and supported by local authorities. The actualization and legitimation of these religions, represented in the form of veneration of common Abkhazian, rural / village and family sanctuaries, coll ... Читать далее
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Сербиа Онлине
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14.01.2025 (36 days ago)
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"What do we believe in?": revival of "traditional religion" in post-war Abkhazia

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