The rotational view of gravity disproves the Standard Model.
The rotational view of gravity disproves the Standard Model.   Summary Quantum theory claims that vacuum is not an absolute void, but a sea of ​​virtual particles. And even those particles that are born at colliders are already particles “wrapped” in a virtual fur coat. In our opinion, this fur coat is formed by a gravitational field. Higgs Field is a gravitational field. The Higgs boson is a graviton. The positron, through the rotational form of gravity, envelops itself with a huge number of graviton spheres, increasing its mass, turns into a proton. An electron and a positron are equally involved in the formation of matter. Antimatter does not exist in nature. 1. Ether Ether is an all-pervading, isotropic, non-resisting moving body, gas-like medium. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev placed ether in his Table (genuine, non-falsified by relativists) in the zero group of the zero row, apparently believing that the ether belongs to the microworld, which we still do not know. Coronius placed Mendeleev in the first group of the zero row, assuming or foreseeing that this element is destined to become the brick from which the entire material world is made up. In our model of world order this element is called graviton. 2. Graviton Graviton is a mini ether vortex - a magnetic dipole. The energy of the vortex generates a unidirectional motion of the ether between the poles, as a result of which the ether is absorbed by one pole and ejected by the opposite pole. This is how the forces that we call magnetic forces are formed. Gravitons attracted to each other by opposite poles form gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Ether, in fact, is the building material of mini ether vortices - gravitons and photons. Cosmic bodies are surrounded not by ether, but by gravitons, which by their magnetic induction attract bodies to each other.     3. The rotational form of gravity. In macroscopic reality, gravity is determined by mass. In microscopic reality, where the particle mass is pra ... Read more
Сербиа Онлине · 1942 days ago 0 217
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Сербиа Онлине
Belgrade, Serbia
26.10.2019 (1942 days ago)
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The rotational view of gravity disproves the Standard Model.

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