Libmonster ID: RS-623
Author(s) of the publication: L. V. Degterev

In the Military Gallery of 1812 in the Winter Palace, individual frames with signed names, but without portraits, attract attention. The descriptions of the gallery indicate that for its opening, which took place on December 25, 1826, from the portraits of military leaders in 1812, commissioned by the General Staff, in the art studio of J. R. R. Tolkien, the gallery was opened in 1826. Dow 1, 13 portraits were not executed; the frames for them were tightened with reps and placed on the walls. Dow died soon after, his workshop was closed, "and this group was never written - the 13-name box was left blank." 2
Later, descriptions of the participants ' activities were repeatedly compiled.

1 The English painter J. R. R. Tolkien Dow (1781-1829) was invited to Russia in 1819 to create a memorial portrait gallery of the Winter Palace. Of the 332 portraits created in his studio at the Hermitage, Dow's brushes belonged to about 150, the rest were executed by Russian artists A.V. Polyakov and V. A. Golika (Pomarnitsky A.V. Military Gallery of 1812. l. 1970, p. 6).

2 Glinka V. M., Pomarnitsky A.V. Military Gallery of the Winter Palace, 2nd ed., 1981, p. 23 (1st ed., 1974).

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the Wars of 1812 3 . However, for the 11 generals who entered the Military Gallery, this was not done, and their portraits are unknown. It was only in 1974 that brief information about them was given for the first time.

One of these heroes is Major General Alexey Matveyevich Vsevolozhsky, chief of the Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment, brigade commander in the cavalry corps of F. P. Uvarov 4 . Based on archival materials and research, it was possible to restore the facts of the military activity of this military leader 5, as well as to find his portrait 6 .

Alexey Matveyevich belonged to an old family. The princes of Vsevolozhi left the Smolensk Principality for the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the middle of the 14th century. Dmitry and Vladimir Vsevolozhi were voivodes of the advanced regiment of Dmitry Donskoy in the Battle of Kulikovo 7 . After the incorporation of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality into Moscow, the Vsevolozhskys settled in the camps of the Vladimir Uyezd. By the middle of the 18th century. they became impoverished: in the service record of A. M. Vsevolozhsky, it appears :" Of the Russian nobles, the peasants have no male sex " 8 . He was born in 1769, entered military service in the Absheron Infantry regiment as a sub-ensign in 1786,9 in the Russo-Turkish war of 1787-1791. He took part in the siege and capture of Khotyn and Bender, in the case of the Bolshaya and Malaya Solchi rivers .10 On April 26, 1790, he was transferred as an adjutant to the staff of Major General N. D. Arsenyev, who participated in the capture of Izmail by Russian troops.: "The fortress of Izmail has been taken by the bravery of the army entrusted to me. The attack was courageous, the enemy was numerous, the fortress was capable of defense. The repulse was strong and the desperate defense turned to the death and complete crushing of the enemy." Vsevolozhsky was mentioned four times in this report and, in particular, said: "With excellent courage, bravery and intrepidity, they showed themselves well and deserve special attention... his staff, Arsenyev, adjutant Vsevolozhskaya " 11 . Vsevolozhsky was promoted to lieutenant for the distinction of "courageous exploits in the storming of Izmail" 12 . Its form list states: "During all the time of December 11, when taken by storm, he was in an actual battle, for which, by the highest decree, he was granted a lieutenant, in addition, he was ordered to give an approval sheet with a reduction of three years to receive the military Order of St. George and a Gold Badge." 13 (Gold Badge - "Cross for Ishmael" on the St. George ribbon with the inscription "For excellent bravery" 14).

In 1792-1795. Vsevolozhsky "for the excellent performance of the position entrusted to him, was promoted from lieutenant commander to captain", then to second major and Prime Major of the Cfr-

3 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky A. I. Emperor Alexander I and his associates in 1812, 1813, 1814 and 1815. In 6 volumes St. Petersburg. 1845-1849; Sudravsky V. K. Military Gallery of the Winter Palace of 1812 St. Petersburg. 1910; Vel. kn. Mikhail Nikolaevich. Military Gallery of 1812 St. Petersburg. 1912; Pomariitsky A.V. UK. op.; Glinka V. M., Pomarnitsky A.V. UK. op.

4 Glinka V. M., Pomarnitsky A.V. UK. soch. Izd. 1-e, p. 191; izd. 2-e, p. 230.

5 The formal lists of A. M. Vsevolozhsky in the Central Military Academy of the USSR are limited to the period of his military activity until 1802. The absence of lists for the following years is explained in his memoirs by a former officer of the Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment, D. E. Osten-Saken: this regiment "on the occasion of the departure of the state box in the war of 1812, has a gap in its chronicle several decades since the beginning of its existence, having recently learned about the mentioned gap of the most remarkable era, I consider it I know from the glory of this valiant regiment" (Military Collection, October 1870, N 10, p. 237).

6 Sokolovsky M. K. Memo of the 3rd Hussar Yelisavetgrad Regiment (1764-1914). SPb. 1914, p. 20.

7 PSRL. T. XXVI. M.-L. 1959, p. 133; Barkhatnaya kniga. M. 1787, p. 43; Plyushar A. A. Entsiklopedicheskiy leksikon. T. 12. SPb. 1838, p. 173.

8 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 489, op. I, d. 2269, formular lists of 1802, l. 4ob.

9 In the form lists of different years, there is no unity in the dates of birth and the beginning of Vsevolozhsky's service. The most probable dates should be considered as indicated in his first form list of sergeants of the Absheron Infantry regiment dated December 26, 1786: "Alexey Vsevolozhskoi, 17 years old; entry into service-sub-ensign-August 786, 26" (TSVIA of the USSR, f. 489, op. 1, d. 39, form lists of 1786, l. 21).

10 Ibid., 2269, formular lists of 1802, ll. 4ob., 5.

11 A.V. Suvorov. Doc. Ch. I. M. 1949, p. 523

12 TSVIA SSSR, f. Military-scientific archive (VUA), 2413, Reports of Suvorov, ll. 25, 32, 135, 146, 229.

13 Ibid., f. 489, op. 1, d. 2269, formular lists of 1802, l. 5.

14 Spassky I. G. Foreign and Russian Orders before 1917, l. 1963, p. 115.

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Lena Dragoon regiment 15. September 23, 1795 Vsevolozhsky was transferred to the Elisavetgrad Cavalry Regiment 16 . Alexey's brother, Captain Matvei Vsevolozhsky, was transferred to the same regiment . Apparently, from that time on, Alexey became known as "the first", Matvey - "the second". With the accession of Paul I to the throne, changes in the army began. The Yelisavetgrad Regiment was renamed the Hussars on October 18-17, 1799. Vsevolozhsky 1st was promoted to colonel 19 . The certification given to him in 1802 says: "He knows how to read Russian literature; he has never been on home vacations; he has never been in fines; he is married to an Italian noblewoman Bartolica, they have a son Dmitry of four years old, they live in a regiment with him; he is worthy of a job" 20.

In 1805. The Elisavetgrad regiment arrived in Austria to reinforce the Russian army that fought with Napoleon. In the Battle of Austerlitz, the right wing of the Russian-Austrian army was assigned to Lieutenant General PI Bagration. The Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment, in which Vsevolozhsky 1st commanded the battalion, was part of Lieutenant-General F. P. Uvarov's division, which formed the vanguard of Bagration's left flank21 . The left wing of the Allied army was defeated by the French, but Bagration's troops fought hard .22 In the report of M. I. Kutuzov, the tsar was informed: "The cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant-General Uvarov, being pressed by the enemy, excellent in number and reinforced by infantry columns, repeatedly hit it, but finally, forced to give in and occupy the height, held it until the evening, through which the right flank of the troops was covered during the retreat. under the command of Prince Bagration " 23 . Vsevolozhsky 1st was "wounded so that the bullet remained unrecovered in his body" 24 . For Austerlitz, he was awarded the Order of St. John the Baptist. Vladimir of the 4th degree 25 .

In the campaign of 1807, the Yelisavetgrads fought a vanguard battle with the French at Morungen26 . On the night of January 22, the Russian army began to withdraw to Preisisch-Eylau. It was covered by Bagration's rearguard. "Prince Bagration everywhere warned and dispersed the enemy, and the Elisavetgrad Hussars made one brilliant attack"; Bagration was ordered to "follow as quietly as possible, allowing the army and heavy loads to pass through Eylau"; on January 26, Bagration, having built a rearguard, again accepted the battle; "on the right wing, the life cuirassiers, the Elisavetgrad Hussars and ... dragoon regiments cut into the French cavalry marching in front of Augereau's columns, and overturned it" 27. On January 27, at Preisisch-Eylau, the Elisavetgrad regiment was in the cavalry group of the center of the Russian army. When the squadrons of the "Napoleonic Guards" galloped through the first and second lines of our infantry and reached the reserve ... Yurkovsky met with the Elisavetgrad Hussar regiment... they were scattered in all directions. Most of the braves... they fell a victim to their own temerity. " 29 Vsevolozhsky 1st was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class, "As a reward for excellent courage and bravery rendered against the enemy" in the battles of January 26 and 27 at Eylau 30 and the golden "Cross for Preisisch-Eylau" on the St. George ribbon with the inscription "For hard work and bravery" 31 .

May 24-28, 1807 The Elisavetgrad regiment fought at Altkirch and Ankendorf, being in the vanguard of the Russian army. For "feats rendered in the battle of the 24th and 25th

15 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 489, op. 1, d. 2269, formular lists of 1802, ll. 4ob., 5.

16 Ibid., l. 4ob.

17 Ibid., d. 1307, formular lists of 1796, l. 161.

18 Sokolovsky M. K. UK. soch., p. 16; Military collection, October 1870, N 10, p. 238. In addition to the regiment commander, since 1796, the chief of the regiment was also appointed.

19 TSGVIA of the USSR, f. 489, op. 1, d. 2269, formular lists of 1802, l. 4ob.; List of staff officers by seniority on October 23, 1807 St. Petersburg, 1807, p. 23.

20 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 489, op. 1, d. 2269, formular lists of 1802, l. 5.

21 M. I. Kutuzov, Collected papers in Vol. 2, Moscow, 1951, pp. 191, 207, 224.

22 Tarle E. V. 1812, Moscow, 1959, pp. 157-160.

23 M. I. Kutuzov, vol. 2, p. 254.

24 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 395, op. 172, St. 72, N 366, 1814, l. 11.

25 M. I. Kutuzov, Vol. 2, p. 254.

26 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky A. I. Poly. Collected Works, vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1849, p. 312.

27 Ibid., p. 321.

28 A. A. Yurkovsky, Major-General, Chief of the Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment since January 1, 1806 (Central Military Academy of the USSR, f. 29, op. 153-a, St. 19, d. 2623, l. 108). His surname appears under the empty frame of the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace (Glinka V. M., Pomarnitsky A.V. UK. soch. Ed. 2-e, p. 230).

29 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky A. I. Poly. collected works vol. 1, p. 341.

30 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 29, op. 153-v, d. 76, l. 171.

31 Spassky I. G. UK. soch., p. 116.

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May", Vsevolozhsky 1st awarded the Order of St. John the Baptist. Annas of the 2nd degree 32 . At Heilsberg, General L. L. Bennigsen stopped at a fortified position. There, on June 10, a battle "lasted for several hours" took place, which did not bring victory to either side. 33 For this battle, Vsevolozhsky 1st was awarded a golden saber with the inscription "For bravery" 34. On June 14, 1807, the bloody battle of Friedland began. The Yelisavetgrad regiment was part of Bagration's rearguard. Cramped between the Allee river and the ravine, Russian units were shot by French artillery. "Buckshot tore through our ranks... The force made everything ache... The wounded Prince Bagration arranged a rearguard, entered Friedland, set fire to the suburb and began to move troops across the Alley. " 35 "For the distinction rendered in the campaign of 1807", Vsevolozhsky 1st was awarded the foreign Order 36 and was promoted to Major General 37 on December 12, 1807, and appointed chief of the Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment 38 on January 13, 1808 . In the spring of 1809, Austria went to war with France. The Russian army entered Galicia. The Elisavetgrad regiment also participated in the campaign 39 . In 1812, Napoleon, preparing for the invasion of Russia, concentrated his army near its borders. The 2nd Infantry Corps of Lieutenant General K. F. Baggovut was part of the 1st Western Army, whose commander-in-chief was M. B. Barclay de Tolly. The vanguard of the 2nd Infantry Corps under the command of Major General Vsevolozhsky of the 1st consisted of the Elisavetgrad Regiment and other units and was located in the area of Kovno with the task of patrolling the border along the Neman River . When the French army invaded Russia, Vsevolozhsky left a Cossack hundred on the right bank of the Neman, opposite the ferry, with the order "to exchange fire and strike at the enemy" 41 . When Napoleon and his main forces crossed the Neman River near Kovno, the 1st Western Army began to withdraw.

On June 21-23, rearguard battles took place near Sventsyany and at der. Kochergishki, where" during a strong attack of the enemy cavalry, the "Elisavetgradtsy" several times cut into the enemy squadrons with fearlessness"; all units operating at Kochergishki were awarded money 42. On July 13-15, hard battles were fought at Ostrovna, Kakuvyachin and the Lucesa river. In the list of "distinguished by courage and bravery at the village of Kakuvyachin on the 14th", Barclay de Tolly, presenting Vsevolozhsky 1st to the award of the Order of St. John the Baptist. He wrote: "Major General Vsevolozhsky, during the retreat of the infantry and artillery, connecting the regiment entrusted to him with other cavalry, successfully held the aspiration of an excellent enemy, which he had previously performed on the left flank of our line." 43
During the retreat from Smolensk, the Elisavetgrad regiment was part of the rearguard of the Russian army. In the battle of Valutina Gora on August 7, the enemy "tried to attack several times, but everywhere the bravery and courage of our cavalry was repelled and driven away with great harm," Adjutant General V. V. Orlov - Denisov reported. "Major-generals especially distinguished themselves in this battle: the chief of the Elisavetgrad Hussar regiment Vsevolozhsky and the Don troops Karpov-with the regiments in their command, they were the first to attack the enemy's infantry columns and cavalry and contributed a lot to my prudent advice and orders to defeat the enemy." 44
On August 24, on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, the Yelisavetgrads held off the French at Borodino. In the report of Barclay de Tolly, the events of that day are described as follows: "The enemy on the 24th repeatedly made efforts to capture the village of Borodino, but each time was stopped in this enterprise by the brave Life Guards Yegersky and Elisavetgradsky

32 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 29, op. 153-v, d. 84, l. 66.

33 Tarle E. V. UK. soch., p. 187.

34 Martynov. Brief historical memo of the 3rd Hussar Yelisavetgrad regiment. SPb. B. G., p. 1.

35 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky A. I. Poln. sobr. soch. Vol. 1, p. 422.

36 TSGVIA USSR, f. 481, op. 1, 9, N 31.

37 Ibid., f. 395, op. 60, d. 4133, l. 5.

38 Ibid., f. 29, op. 153-a, St. 19, d. 2623, l. 108.

39 Ibid., f. VUA, N 3391, microfilms, p. 67; Military collection, October 1870, N 10, p. 237.

40 The Patriotic War of 1812 In: Materials of the VUA, Vol. XIII, St. Petersburg, 1910, pp. 31, 83.

41 Polikarpov N. P. Combat calendar-diary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Part 1. Moscow, 1913, p. 56.

42 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 29, op. 153-g, Pridornaya, St. 6-a, part 2, d. 19; N 2144, l. 162; Polikarpov N. P. UK. soch., pp. 77, 80, 81.

43 TSGVIA USSR, f. 29, op. 153-g, pridornaya, St. 1, ch. 2, 176, l. 47ob.

44 Polikarpov N. P. UK. soch., p. 354.

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hussar regiments. This last regiment, under the command of its brave chief, Major-General Vsevolozhsky, in spite of a strong enemy attack and artillery action, held its position and thus fulfilled exactly the order given to it from me - to hold out, no matter how much it cost, until nightfall." 45
On the day of the Battle of Borodino on August 26, Vsevolozhsky 1st commanded the 3rd brigade of the Uvarov Cavalry Corps. In the midst of the battle, Kutuzov made a diversionary maneuver, instructing Uvarov and ataman Platov to attack the French left flank. Uvarov reported: "On the day of the battle... His Serene Highness personally sent with the 1st cavalry Corps to cross the river and attack the enemy's left flank in order to at least somewhat delay his forces, which were so eager to attack our Second Army... Having received such an order, he crossed the river, led an attack on the enemy by the Elisavetgrad Hussars and the Life Guards by the Cossacks, supporting the Life Guards regiments... despite the unfavorable location, because it was necessary to cross a deep ravine and a small river and, having risen, immediately meet the enemy... The attack was made in full view of the entire army with unexpected success; upon meeting the enemy, the battery was overturned, the battery barely had time to leave, from which 2 guns were repulsed by the Elisavetgrad Hussars... The enemy was pursued with great damage and therefore was forced to take part of the forces from those points in which they attacked our position so strongly. " 46
This is one of the reasons that deprived Napoleon of victory in the Battle of Borodino . Kutuzov, in the presence of the army, praised Uvarov's actions: "On this dreadful day, you have helped me assiduously; you have been the chief instrument in inflicting the heavy loss that the enemy has suffered." 48 "For the Battle of Borodino on August 26, " Vsevolozhsky 1st presented by Kutuzov for the award of the Order of St. John the Baptist. Annas of the 1st degree with diamonds 49 . In September, A. M. Vsevolozhsky fell ill and was sent to the Kaluga Hospital 50 . The regimental monthly reports stated: "Chief Major General Vsevolozhsky 1st suffocated in the city of Kaluga" 51 . There he died on January 14, 1813 .

45 Bogdanovich M. N. Istoriya Otechestvennoy voiny 1812 g. [History of the Patriotic War of 1812], Vol. II, St. Petersburg, 1859, p. 552.

46 Ibid., p. 560.

47 Battle of Borodino, 1812, St. Petersburg, 1839, p. 51.

48 Ushakov S. I. The deeds of Russian commanders and generals who marked themselves in the memorable war with the French in 1812, 13, 14 and 15 with a brief outline of their entire service from the very beginning of joining the ONU. Part 1. St. Petersburg, 1822, p. 267.

49 TSGVIA SSSR, f. 29, op. 153-g, Pridornaya, St. 1, ch. 2, 176, l. 27.

50 Ibid., f. 489, op. 1, d. 2271, l. 3.

51 Ibid., 2270, p. 94.

52 In a report dated February 5, 1813, it is stated: "Major General Vsevolozhsky, who was in the city of Kaluga of the Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment for illness, will die on the 14th of this month" (TSVIA USSR, f. 29, op. 153-a, St. 50, hh. 17-18, d. 4356). After his death, he did not receive the Order of St. John the Baptist. Annas of the 1st degree with diamonds for the battle of Kakuvyachin and Borodino were handed over to the Chapter of the diamond sign (ibid., St. 57, part I, d. 28).

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