"Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos nominatae. I Sectio historica", T. XI. Budapest. 1970.
And Bertenyi. Townspeople and the Royal Court in the fourteenth century. On the history of the Institute of Land Judges in Hungary; E. Andich. The role of the Hungarian question in Franco-Austrian relations in 1811-1812; E. Arato. Peasant and national social movements in Hungary in the spring and summer of 1848; F. Rottler. Journalistic activity of V. Fraknoi; K. Shakach. Formation of the agrarian program of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party (1900-1930); S. Vadacz. The emergence of a group of anti-militarist socialists in 1914; E. Kardosh. Discussions in Hungary on state-legal aspects of the "Holy Crown" doctrine in the period between the First and Second World Wars; A. Kish. Italo-Ethiopian War (1935-1936); N. V. Kozma. The historical path of Arianism; D, Caldi-Nagy. Statistical data on the exchange of goods between the Hungarian provinces conquered by the Turks and the West in 1560-1564.
"Törtenelmi Szemle". Budapest. 1970, N 3.
D. Granstoi. Estimated population of Sopron in the XVI-XVII centuries, V. Endrei, L. Makkai. The first Magnate textile manufactories in Hungary; A. Urban. Unrest in Budapest and the crisis of the Hungarian government in May 1848; L. Tilkowski. German Irredentism and Hungary. The Volksdeutsche movement in Hungary; V. Zimani. Cybernetics and History; K. Benda. Centralized power and estates in the Habsburg Monarchy at the beginning of the 17th century. Introduction of census iregius in free Royal cities in the second half of the XVIII century; D. Shpira. On the peculiarity of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848; E. Arato. Parliamentary political discussions in the 1860s on the concept of "Hungarian political nation".
"Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaftl Berlin. 1970, N 12.
E. Diehl. 1917-1918-a decisive turn in world-historical development; H. Karl, G. Lotzek, V. Ruge. Misunderstood story. About a West German publication; W. Hundt. Economic Aspects of Tanzania's development. Problems of the struggle of the TANU and trade unions for strengthening independence and non-capitalist development; N. Z. Hoyer. Martin Reinhart and the first edition of the Hussite articles in Germany.
"Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft". 1971, N 1.
M. Hegemann. Development of cooperation in CMEA; H. Voltaire. Lorraine ore basin as a military goal of the German big bourgeoisie in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871; R. Felber. The "Asian" or feudal mode of production in China.
"Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft", 1971, N 2.
G. Becker, M. Krause, and D. Lange. XIII International Congress of Historians in Moscow; S. I. Tulipov. Lenin's Theory of Imperialism and state-monopoly capitalism in Germany; K. Fritz. The significance of the Peace of Stralsund in 1370; Messages by H. Y. Arendt. Mass Democratic Movement under the leadership of the KKE in the spring of 1931; Published by V. Shuman. The fascist "new order" in Europe and the plans of German monopoly capital.
"Przegtqd Zachodni". Poznati 1970, N 4.
M. Ozhehovsky, V. Wrzesinski. Reflection in the public consciousness of the territorial changes that took place in Poland after the Second World War; Yu. Konechny. Polish Western Lands and West German Journalism; A. V. Walczak. Political opposition in West Germany in the Post-war period; L. Janicki. Territory and state citizenship in the legal systems of the GDR and FRG; M. Balle R. West Slavic Institute at the University of Poznan in 1921-1939; M. Rutowska. Material losses of Polish culture on the territory of Greater Poland in 1939-1945. (state of research); A, Wolf-Povenska. The role of the Polish Western Union in the development of Western lands.
"Przeglqd Zachodni", 1970, N 5 - 6.
Development of modern German culture (proceedings of the scientific session 28-29. XI. 1969 in Poznan); M. Sukhotsky. The role of ideological heritage in culture
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both German states; V. Shevchik. Literature and art in the GDR and FRG; K. Zhigulsky. The problem of mass culture in both German states; V. Markevich. Formation of two German societies; Z. Yaskevich. Internal policy of the GDR and FRG in the field of culture; M. Boral. Cultural policy of the GDR and FRG in relation to capitalist and developing countries; T. S. Vrublevsky. Cultural policy of the GDR and FRG in relation to the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.
"Anale de istorie". Bucureti. 1970, N 6.
Tsutsui city. The Romanian Communist Party in 1944-1948; K. Botoran, A. Harsha. The Romanian Communist Party led the movement of solidarity of the working class and the democratic public of Romania with the national liberation struggle of the peoples of the colonies. the interwar period; Z. Selazhan. Doftan prison-a symbol of the revolutionary struggle of communists and anti-fascists during the underground years; Sh. Mushat. "Hitler's Fifth Column" in Romania; G. I. Ionita. The unmasking of fascism in the socio-political works of Lucretiu Petrascanu.
"Stitdii si artikole de istorie". T. XV. Bucuresti. 1970.
100 years since the birth of V. I. Lenin. V. Machu. V. I. Lenin as a historian; E. Negruci-Munteanu. V. I. Lenin and the development of capitalism in agriculture; I. Chikala. The first information about V. I. Lenin and Lenin's ideas in the Romanian press of Transylvania; History of Romania. Evolution of socialist program provisions on the agrarian question in late XIX - early XX centuries in Romania; I. Bitoleanu. Formation of a liberal government and parliamentary elections in 1922; I. Kupsha. Contribution of the Romanian people to the victory over Hitler's Germany; World History. Ideological prerequisites of the French Revolution of 1789; K. N. Veliki. The Ottoman State and the Balkan States in 1878-1912; J. Gaeta. The beginning of socialist journalism in Italy.
"Byzantinoslavica. Revue internationale des etudes byzantines". T. XXXI. Prague. 1970.
K. P. Kirris. Military colonies in Cyprus during the Byzantine Empire; R. Guiyang. Byzantine hippodromes; his own. Grand Palace in Constantinople; V. Tseran. Stagnation and instability of early Byzantine society; Yu. K. Begunov. Description of a little-known part of the collection of Old Russian manuscripts of the Slavonic Library in Prague; G. R. H. Wright. The origin of the Byzantine Cross style of church architecture; K. Onash. Reflection of heretical trends in Byzantine-Slavic Orthodox iconography.
"Historicky casopis". Bratislava. 1970, N" 4.
P. Gapak. On the question of the beginning of the workers ' and socialist movement in Slovakia; J. Novotny. Political activity of Pavel Josef Shafarik in the revolution of 1848-1849; A. Chizmadiya. On the history of the formation of administrative and public administration in Hungary in the XVIII-first half of the XIX century. Miners of state-owned mining enterprises in Banska Štyavnica in 1716.
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