Libmonster ID: RS-562
Author(s) of the publication: A. N. Golotvin
Educational Institution \ Organization: OOO NPO Chernozemye

The article analyzes the contribution of the famous Russian archaeologist A. D. Pryakhin to the study of the history of Russian archeology (Russian, Soviet, Russian). The article considers the relationship between the topics developed by the researcher and his pedagogical activity. Attention is paid, on the one hand, to the study of the work of individual archaeologists and particular problems, on the other - to understanding the trend of development of the entire history of Russian archeology. The paper traces the peculiarity of the historiographical works of the scientist - their close connection with the development of specific archaeological research areas. It is most clearly expressed in books and articles devoted to the Bronze Age of the Eurasian steppe-forest-steppe, the formation of the region's archeology, and the study of the south-eastern limits of the Slavic world and Ancient Russia.

Keywords: history of Russian archeology, Bronze Age, Voronezh State University, South-East of Ancient Russia.

Anatoly Dmitrievich Pryakhin is a well-known Russian archaeologist and historian. There is a whole series of works that highlight the main milestones of his scientific and pedagogical activity, as well as achievements as an organizer of science [Derevyanko and Molodin, 2009; Professor..., 2009, pp. 104-107; Otroshchenko, 2009; etc.]. Special studies of the contribution of this scientist to the study of the Bronze Age have also appeared [Safonov, 2004], Slavonic-Russian time [Tropin, 2004a], history of Russian archeology [Golotvin, 2009; Gorbunov, 2009]. There is no doubt that what A.D. Pryakhin has done in any of the designated areas of scientific research is still far from final assessments, since his scientific heritage is extensive and multifaceted, and his research activity is very active. Only in recent years, the scientist has published two monographs and a whole series of articles [2010, 2013], most of them of a historiographical nature, which allows us to conclude that the scientist's attention is focused on the problems of the history of Russian archeology.

A. D. Pryakhin notes that historiographical research at the department, which he headed for more than 30 years, began in the 1970s. However, even in the student publication devoted to the localization of the chronicle Worgle, the future scientist considered in detail the historiography of the issue, including works from the pre-revolutionary period [1964]. Such an informal approach to the history of studying the topic became a distinctive feature of this scientist's research [1971, pp. 6-29].

It is very important for a higher school teacher to ensure the relationship between scientific developments and the pedagogical process. A. D. Pryakhin considered this task particularly relevant. During his leadership, the department has established a system of specialization associated with the problems of scientific interests of researchers. For many years, the professor himself taught a course on the history of Russian archeology, first called "Soviet Archeology: periods and stages of development", then - " History of Russian Archeology (Russian, Soviet, Russian)", as well as a course-seminar "Major Russian archaeologists".

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Undoubtedly, the appearance of these courses immediately after the formation of the Department of Archaeological profile was due to the corresponding orientation of the scientific search of A. D. Pryakhin. Perhaps, in the process of developing these courses, discussions on various topics in the student audience often gave rise to ideas for new scientific papers. The creative atmosphere at the training sessions, Anatoly Dmitrievich's sincere enthusiasm for the problems of the history of Russian archeology contributed to the development of many students ' interest in the problems of the history of archeology. It should be noted that in the course "Fundamentals of Archeology" taught by A. D. Pryakhin, a significant place is given to historiography.

The preparation of the course-seminar "Major Russian archaeologists" is associated with the publication of a series of works that analyze the contribution of many scientists to archeology, mainly domestic ones. The first publications of this kind by A. D. Pryakhin appeared in the late 1960s [1968, 1969]. Materials on this topic accumulated in the 1970s and 1990s were summarized in the book "Archaeologists of the outgoing Century" [1999]. It examines the scientific heritage of such prominent scientists as V. A. Gorodtsov, B. A. Rybakov, V. P. Alekseev, A. P. Derevyanko, as well as well-known Slavic archaeologists-P. P. Tolochko, B. Dostal, A. N. Moskalenko, A. Z. Vinnikov, specialists in the Bronze Age-G. V. Podgaetsky, V. I. Sagaidaka, A. T. Sinyuk, V. S. Gorbunova. The book includes essays about scientists who are somehow connected with Voronezh State University; and this is not accidental, because the activities of a particular researcher are considered through the prism of their attitude to Voronezh [Ibid., p. 162]. After the publication of the monograph, there were articles devoted to the scientific work of V. A. Gorodtsov, S. N. Zamyatin, V. F. Gening, M. P. Gryaznov, St. Kiselev, V. P. Alekseev, S. A. Pletneva, A. P. Derevyanko, V. I. Molodina, N. Ya. Merpert, V. I. Gulyaeva, V. A. and E. N. Chernykh, V. V. Atroshchenko et al. (see: [Professor..., 2009, pp. 61-81]). The widespread use of the biographical method is also characteristic of other historiographical works of A. D. Pryakhin, since a thorough analysis of the scientific heritage of the largest scientists of a particular period in the history of archeology helps to better understand the achievements and trends in the development of the entire science.

A. D. Pryakhin is the author of generalizing works based on the periodization of the history of Russian archeology developed by him. For the first time, the scientist presented his views in 1981 in the article "Periods of development of Soviet Archeology". He identified and briefly characterized three periods: the first-from the October Revolution to the mid-1930s, the second - from the second half of the 1930s to the mid-1960s, and the third-from the second half of the 1960s [1981a]. A.D. Pryakhin elaborated his position in the program of the special course "Soviet Archeology: Periods and Stages of Development" published the following year [1982]. Now the periods were divided into stages, and in some stages - into years.

In the future, the creative aspirations of A. D. Pryakhin were aimed at a more thorough study of each of the selected periods. The author's attention is drawn to one of the most difficult periods in the development of Russian archeology - the first two decades of Soviet power. In 1983, the program of the special course "The first period of development of Soviet Archeology (1917 - mid-30s)" appeared, and in 1985 - the corresponding article [1985a]. Each of the two stages was considered by the author from different perspectives: organizational changes, protection of historical and cultural monuments, the state of development of theoretical problems, training of personnel, organization of field research and scientific conferences, improvement of methods, publishing activities, contacts with foreign scientists, development of museum business [1983]. It is not surprising that the monograph "History of Soviet Archeology (1917 - mid-30s)" [1986] was soon published, which remains one of the few generalizing works on this period of scientific development. The author analyzes a number of specific problems, which, combined with a detailed periodization that reflects general trends in development, made it possible to give a holistic view of the first two decades of Soviet archaeology.

When creating his periodization, A. D. Pryakhin proceeded from the thesis that it was consistent with the periodization of historical science in the USSR and thus emphasized the historicism of archeology [1986, p.7]. His developments were based on a whole set of indicators, which is clearly seen in the structure of his lecture course [1982].

Published in the mid-1980s, the book is certainly not free from some of the cliches of the time. Thus, speaking about pre-revolutionary institutions and societies of an archaeological profile, the author notes their significant contribution to archaeology and immediately points out that they "developed archaeology for the elite, divorced from historical science" [1986, p.11]. The historiographical works of the scientist, although they contained conclusions typical for that time, were highly appreciated by experts. Thus, G. S. Lebedev, the author of one of the best generalizing works on the history of Russian archeology, noted in A. D. Pryakhin's articles and books "the quality of factual material", and believed that they were the first to analyze the entire period of development of Soviet archeology [1992, p. 4].

At the beginning of the 1990s, when the tendency to reject all "Soviet-style" ideas was most pronounced.-

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go", A.D. Pryakhin was in no hurry to abandon the assessments that were given to them earlier, but tried to compare the state of archeology in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods. A. D. Pryakhin attributed the increased attention to pre-revolutionary archaeology to the desire to characterize all successive stages in its development and give a more balanced assessment of the Soviet stage, so that it would be possible to form an objective idea of the state of Russian archaeology today and see the prospects and directions of its development [2005, pp. 7-8]. Now the scientist identified three periods in the development of Soviet archaeology and three periods - pre-revolutionary.

Approaches to the problems of periodization of the history of pre-revolutionary archeology have been described by the scientist in several articles [2004a; et al.], but they are most fully presented in the first part of the book "History of Russian Archeology" published in 2005, which is not only an excellent textbook, but also a full-fledged scientific study. The author himself emphasizes that its periodization is based on the logic of the formation of Russian archeology, and as a criterion for highlighting a particular period, not one, but several indicators are chosen. When describing each of the periods, his attention is focused on issues related to the development and improvement of theoretical and methodological approaches, the accumulation of different types of sources, organizational changes, the level of generalization of research results, personnel training, and the implementation of social functions. The variety of criteria for periodization [2005, p.9-10], which suggests a certain blurring of boundaries, allowed A.D. Pryakhin to abandon the definition of a rigid chronological framework [Lebedev, 1992, p. 395]. At the same time, in the typical manner of a scientist, all these problems were considered mainly on the example of the scientific work of the largest archaeologists of that time [2005, pp. 106-172].

Today, A.D. Pryakhin is working on the history of Soviet and Russian archaeology. As shown above, he has a great background on this topic. He wrote works on the history of archeology of the entire Soviet period [1987, 1988a], its individual stages [1985b], the history of the development of major scientific centers [2000a, 2004b], as well as issues of personnel training [1991a, 1994]. A holistic view of the scientist's approaches to the problem of periodization of Russian archeology is given by the report read at the First All-Russian Archaeological Congress in Novosibirsk [2006a].

A distinctive feature of A. D. Pryakhin's historiographical works is their close connection with research in specific areas. A.D. Pryakhin is rightfully among the leading researchers of the Bronze Age of Eurasia. He excavated more than a dozen monuments [Professor.., 2009, p. 84-103], identified a number of new archaeological cultures and communities, industrial regions [Safonov, 2004]. Anatoly Dmitrievich is the author of works devoted to the history of understanding the Bronze Age. These are, for example, articles on the history of studying the Abashevskaya [1981b, 1997a, 2003a] and Srubnaya [1988b] cultural and historical communities. The history of studying pastoral pastoralists in the Eurasian steppe and forest - steppe is one of the scientist's favorite topics. It is also reflected in the problems of dissertation research carried out under his supervision. In 1988, N. P. Pisarevsky defended his dissertation on the topic "Studying the history of early pastoral societies of the steppe and forest-steppe of Eurasia in the Soviet archeology of the mid-20s-first half of the 30s" [1989]. The contribution of V. A. Gorodtsov to the study of the Bronze Age of steppe and forest-steppe spaces of Eastern Europe is devoted to the work of I. E. Golovkin. Safonova [2002]. These dissertations were also designed to fill in the gaps in understanding the most complex period of Soviet archaeology.

In recent years, A. D. Pryakhin has been actively engaged in the history of studying the Bronze Age of the Don-Donets region. The results of this work are articles (see: Moiseev, 2008) and the monograph " Don-Donets Steppe-forest-steppe in the Bronze Age. History of study" [2008a, 2010]. These publications have become a logical continuation of the scientist's field and analytical research. The author has studied such monuments as the Shilovsky settlement, the Podkletinsky burial ground, and the Mosolovsky settlement of late Bronze Age metalworkers. The structure of the first book of this monograph is based on the author's periodization of the history of Russian archeology, which made it possible to analyze each of the periods taking into account the logic of the development of archeology in the country. It is interesting that this approach is also typical for earlier works of A. D. Pryakhin. Back in 1984, his article "Soviet Archaeology: Periods of Development" was published, in which each of the periods identified by the researcher in the history of Soviet archaeology was considered from the perspective of studying the problems of the Bronze Age [1984, p. 10 - 11, 14 - 16, 20 - 22]. This approach was also reflected in his speech at the All-Russian Archaeological Congress in Suzdal [2008b]. The desire to build up the material in accordance with the periodization of the history of Russian archeology not only gave the work integrity, but also made it possible to avoid a timeless assessment of the views of researchers, to trace the dynamics of their development. Covering each stage in detail, focusing on the work of leading scientists, A. D. Pryakhin addresses the most complex and controversial issues of the stated topic. Understanding the content of each period that takes place in the context of formation

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a new branch of archaeological knowledge, called paleometallology by Anatoly Dmitrievich. it is undoubtedly important, because without it it is impossible to understand the processes taking place at the present stage. The second book of the monograph covers the period from the early 1990s. It contains detailed information about the history of field research by leading scientists, major archaeological forums and major regional scientific publications, as well as shows new trends in the movement of scientific thought, and provides assessments of the prevailing ideas about the Bronze Age of the Don-Donets region (Pryakhin, 2010; Lopatin, 2011; Gorbunov, 2011).

A. D. Pryakhin's research shows a clear focus on the activities of Voronezh State University. Having worked at this educational institution all his life, the scientist could not ignore the history of the development of archaeological research in it [1996a; 1997b; 1998; 2002a, b; 2003b; Pryakhin and Zakharova, 2005]. Therefore, the appearance of the book "Archeology at Voronezh State University" looks quite natural. It examines in detail the history of the development of the archaeological field at the university from the first steps to the formation of the scientific and educational center of archeology with a department, laboratory, museum, whose work is characterized by the results of archaeological expeditions, a system of lectures and seminars, as well as a scientific school on the archeology of the Eurasian forest-steppe (Pryakhin, 2013). The peculiarity of this work is that its author is not only a witness and participant in most of the analyzed events, but also often their ideological inspirer and organizer. The name of A. D. Pryakhin is associated with the creation of the department and museum of archaeological profile, conducting large-scale field research, publishing major monographs and a series of collections.

The history of the formation of archeology at Voronezh State University is an integral part of such a broad topic as the history of the formation of regional archeology, which is also included in the sphere of scientific interests of A. D. Pryakhin. This topic was developed mainly within the framework of the integrated program of the Department of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS) "Ancient societies: interaction with the environment, culture and history" (Chernozem region and adjacent territories). The origin of archeology in the Voronezh Region is considered by the scientist in the article "Archeology and local history" [1990] and some other works [Pryakhin and Besedin, 1990]. His books devoted to the archaeological heritage of the Central Chernozem region (1988b, 1995) also have a historiographical connotation. In them, A. D. Pryakhin outlined his vision of the stages of development of regional archeology [2000b], considered the formation of archeology in the Voronezh Pedagogical [1996b] and Yelets [2003b] universities. Currently, this problem is actively developed by students of Anatoly Dmitrievich, for example, a doctoral dissertation on the history of archaeological research in the Voronezh Region is being prepared by E. Yu. Zakharova [Pryakhin, 2008b, p. 271].

A. D. Pryakhin's research became a significant milestone in the study of the south-eastern borders of the Slavic world and Ancient Russia. In this regard, it should be noted that large-scale works were carried out at the Shilovsky settlement and the Semiluksky settlement, where numerous materials from the Ancient Russian period were found. Significant progress in the study of Slavic-Russian subjects was achieved during the implementation of the scientific and applied program "Yelets and its districts - a unique historical territory of Russia", as well as research of the Vantit monument complex on the northern outskirts of Voronezh (Tropin, 2004a). Therefore, it is quite natural to see works devoted to the history of the study of the south-east of Ancient Russia [Pryakhin, 2006b] and archaeological sites of Anatoly Dmitrievich's native city of Yelets and its environs [1991b]. Apparently, not without the influence of the scientist, these problems are also addressed by his students [Tsybin, 2000, 2002; Tropin, 2004b, 2008; Golotvin, 2010].

In conclusion, it should be noted that A. D. Pryakhin is one of the few researchers whose works consider the history of the development of the entire Russian archeology, the vast scope of the material is systematized taking into account the author's periodization, a detailed analysis of individual periods and stages, as well as the scientific heritage of major researchers and scientific problems. The author pays special attention to topics that he himself made a significant contribution to: the Bronze Age of the Don-Donets region, the south-eastern limits of the Slavic world and Ancient Russia, the archeology of the Central Chernozem region, archeology in universities, etc.

In recent years, a team of specialists in the historiography of archeology has formed around A. D. Pryakhin, who conduct research either on the promising topics he has outlined, or in line with his theoretical developments. There is no doubt that this circle will only grow, since Anatoly Dmitrievich does not stop there, he is looking for new directions, preparing monographs and articles for publication.

List of literature

Golotvin A. N. "...Highly professional...A few words about the works of Anatoly Dmitrievich Pryakhin on the history of Russian archeology. Yelets State University, Ser.: Archeology. - Issue no. 23. 2009, pp. 9-22.

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Golotvin A. N. D. Ya. Samokvasov I arkheologicheskoe izuchenie "slavyano-russkikh drevnostey" [Samokvasov and the archaeological study of the "Slavic-Russian antiquities"]. Voronezh, 2010, 294 p. (in Russian)

Gorbunov V. S. A.D. Pryakhin - istorik otechestvennoi arkheologii [Pryakhin is a historian of Russian archeology]. Voronezh: CPI Voronezh, State University, 2009, pp. 8-10.

Gorbunov V. S. [Review] / / RA. -2011. - N 3. - pp. 164-179. - Rec. on the book: Pryakhin A.D. Dono-donetskaya steppe-lesostep ' v epokhu bronzy: Istoriya izucheniya: vtoraya polovine XIX-nachalo 90-kh gg. XX v.-Voronezh, 2008- Book I. -257 p.; Dono-Donets steppe-forest-steppe in the Bronze Age: History of study: a modern stage. - Voronezh, 2010. - Book II. - 296 p.

Derevyanko A. P., Molodin V. I. To the seventieth anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Dmitrievich Pryakhin / / Archeology of the Eastern European forest-steppe. - Voronezh: CPI Voronezh State University, 2009, pp. 4-6.

Lebedev G. S. History of Russian archeology. 1700-1917. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 1992. - 463 p.

Lopatin V. A. [Review] // Vestn. Voronezh State University. Ser.: History. Political science. Sociology. - 2011. - N 1. - pp. 216-220. - Review of the book: Pryakhin A.D. Dono-Donetskaya steppe-forest-steppe in the Bronze Age: History of study: the second half of the XIX-early 90-ies of the XX century. - Voronezh, 2008. - Book I.-257 p.; Dono-Donets steppe-forest-steppe in the Bronze Age: History of study: a modern stage. - Voronezh, 2010. - Book II. - 296 p.

Moiseev A.V. domestic Historiography of archaeology in the research scientists of the University: bibliography of the writings (1999 - 2007) // the history of world archaeology. Issue 1, Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2008, pp. 246-268.

Отрощенко В. В. До 70-річчя Анатолія Дмитровича Пряхіна // Археологія. - 2009. - N 3. - p. 121-123.

Pisarevskiy N. P. Izuchenie istorii rannykh skotovodcheskikh obshchestv stepi i lesostepi Evrazii v sovetskoi arkheologii sredni 20-kh - pervoi poloviny 30-kh. [Studying the history of early cattle-breeding societies of the steppe and forest-steppe of Eurasia in Soviet archeology of the mid-20s-first half of the 30s]. Kemerovo, 1989, 24 p. (in Russian)

Professor Anatoly Dmitrievich Pryakhin: Bibliography. - Voronezh: CPI Voronezh, State University, 2009. - 124 p.

Pryakhin A.D. K voprosu o lokalizatsii drevnego goroda Vorgla [On the question of localization of the ancient city of Vorgla]. student conference).

Pryakhin A.D. In memory of G. V. Podgaetsky / / SA. - 1968. - N 2. - Pp. 233-236.

Pryakhin A.D. G. V. Podgaetsky i izuchenie epokhi bronzy lesostepnogo Dona [Podgaetsky and the Study of the Bronze Age of the forest-steppe Don]. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1969, pp. 242-251. state university).

Pryakhin A.D. Abashevskaya kul'tura v Podonye [Abashevskaya culture in the Don region]. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1971, 214 p.

Pryakhin A.D. Periods of development of Soviet archeology / / Problemy istorii otechestvennoi istoricheskoi nauki. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1981a, pp. 150-156.

Pryakhin A.D. Abashevskaya cultural and historical community in Soviet historiography // The Bronze Age of the Volga-Ural forest steppe. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1981b, pp. 21-55.

Pryakhin A.D. Soviet Archeology: Periods and stages of development: Special course program. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 1982, 42 p. (in Russian)

Pryakhin A.D. The first period of development of Soviet archeology (1917-mid-30s): Special course program. - Voronezh: Voronezh, State University, 1983, 38 p. (in Russian)

Pryakhin A.D. Sovetskaya arkheologiya: periody razvitiya [Soviet Archeology: Periods of development]. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1984, pp. 3-28.

Pryakhin A.D. Pervy period razvitiya sovetskoy arkheologii [The first period of development of Soviet Archeology]. Novosibirsk: IIFF SB OF the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985a, pp. 5-16.

Pryakhin A.D. Sovetskaya arkheologiya v predvoennye gody i gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voiny [Soviet Archeology in the Pre-war years and the Years of the Great Patriotic War]. Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University, 1985b, pp. 123-125.

Pryakhin A.D. Istoriya sovetskoi arkheologii (1917-seredina 30-kh gg.) [History of Soviet Archeology (1917-mid-30s)]. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1986. 286 p.

Pryakhin A.D. Historicism of Soviet archeology and the problem of periodization of its development: (To the special course "Soviet Archeology: periods and stages of development"). Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 1987, 24 p. (in Russian)

Pryakhin A.D. Periodization of the development of archeology in the USSR (preliminary results) / / Epoch of stone and Paleometalla of the Asian part of the USSR. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., 1988a, pp. 3-11.

Pryakhin A.D. Problematics of log cultural and historical community in the collections of the Kuibyshev Pedagogical Institute ("Cultures of the Bronze Age of Eastern Europe". Kuibyshev, 1983; "Log cabin cultural and historical community". Kuibyshev, 1985) / / SA. - 1988b. - N 4. - pp. 254-263.

Pryakhin A.D. Archeology... Heritage. - Voronezh: Center. - Chernozem, book publishing house, 1988v. - 182 p.

Pryakhin A.D. Arheologiya i istoricheskoe kraevedenie (Predislovie) [Archeology and historical local Lore (Preface)]. Voronezh: Center, Chernozem Publishing House, 1990, pp. 7-15.

Pryakhin A.D. Arkheologicheskie kul'tury i ikh osmyslenie v sovetskoi arkheologii kontsa 30-kh - vtoroi poloviny 60-kh godov [Archaeological cultures and their understanding in Soviet archeology of the late 30s-second half of the 60s]. seminar of the LO IA of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1991a. - Issue 1. - p. 29-31.

Pryakhin A.D. Istoriya arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy na territorii i v prednoshikh goroda Yeltsa [History of archaeological research on the territory and in the vicinity of the city of Yeltsa]. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 1991b. - pp. 5-9.

Pryakhin A.D. Podgotovka arkheologov v sovetskikh universitetakh v predvoennye gody [Training of archaeologists in Soviet universities in the pre-war years]. Problemy istorii otechestvennoi arkheologii: tez. dokl. konf., Saint Petersburg, 11-13 Dec. 1990-St. Petersburg, 1993, pp. 18-19.

Pryakhin A.D. Podgotovka arkheologov v otechestvennykh universitetakh (seredina 30 - nachalo 1990-kh) [Preparation of archeologists in Russian universities (mid-30s-early 1990s)]. Scientific Conference, Voronezh, 1994, pp. 68-71.

Pryakhin A.D. Archeology and archaeological heritage. Voronezh: Kvadrat Publ., 1995, 208 p. (in Russian)

Pryakhin A.D. Department of Archeology of Voronezh State University 20 years old / / Department of Archeology of Voronezh State University: Index of works / comp.: T. P. Semenova, N. Chugunova. - Voronezh: Voronezh. State University, 1996a, Issue 2, pp. 3-5.

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Pryakhin A.D. Quarter of a century of development of archeology in a pedagogical university //Archaeological research of the Higher pedagogical School. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publishing House, 1996b. - P. 3-9.

Pryakhin A.D. Dono-volzhskaya abashevskaya kul'tura [Don-Volga Abashevskaya culture]. Historiographical sketch / / Historical notes. Voronezh, 1997a. - Issue 2. - p. 149-165. - (Scientific tr. ist. faculty).

Pryakhin A.D. Polevye arkheologicheskie issledovaniya Voronezhskogo universiteta (konets 40-kh - seredina 70-kh gg.) [Field archaeological research of Voronezh University (late 40s-mid 70s)]. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 1997b. Issue 10: Fifty field seasons of Archeologists of Voronezh State University, pp. 24-33.

Pryakhin A.D. Polevye arkheologicheskie issledovaniya Voronezhskogo universiteta: vtoraya polovina 70-kh-90-e gody [Field archaeological research of Voronezh University: the second half of the 70s-90s]. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1998. - Issue 3. - p. 147-159. - (Scientific tr. ist. faculty).

Pryakhin A.D. Archeologists of the outgoing century. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 1999, 168 p. (in Russian)

Pryakhin A.D. The sixtieth anniversary of the Department of Archeology of Moscow University // Istoricheskie zapiski [Historical notes]. faculty. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publishing House, 2000a. Issue 6, pp. 186-197.

Pryakhin A.D. Archaeological study of the chernozem center of the Russian Federation: stages of regional archeology // Russia's Black Earth region. - Voronezh: Center of Spirits. Black soil is growing. kraya, 2000b., pp. 98-114.

Pryakhin A.D. Jubilee of an outstanding archaeologist and historian / / Archeology of the Eastern European forest-steppe. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2002a, pp. 3-7. (Archeology of the Eastern European Forest-steppe; issue 16).

Pryakhin A.D. Archeology at Voronezh State University: Stages of Formation, Current state, Development Prospects: (Address to the VSU Academic Council). - Voronezh: Voronezh. state University, 2002b. - 20 p.

Pryakhin A.D. Osnovnye vekhi izucheniya abashevskikh drevnostey [The main milestones of studying the Abashev antiquities]. Abashevskaya kul'turno-istoricheskaia obshchestva: istoki, razvitie, nasledie: mat-ly Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. - Cheboksary, 2003a. - pp. 61-64.

Pryakhin A.D. Muzey arkheologii (iz istorii) [Museum of Archeology (from history)]. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 20036, pp. 14-22.

Pryakhin A.D. K stanovleniyu YSU im. Stanovlenie I razvitie obshobrazovatel'nogo kompleksa v usloviyakh malogo goroda Rossii: mat-ly plenar [Formation and development of the general education complex in the conditions of a small city in Russia]. The meetings Are Still Open. Scientific conference-Yelets, 2003, pp. 51-56.

Pryakhin A.D. Pre-revolutionary time in the development of domestic archeology // History of Domestic archeology: pre-revolutionary time: materials of the IV Readings on the historiography of the archeology of Eurasia. Voronezh, 2004a, pp. 5-18.

Pryakhin A.D. Novosibirsk Center of Russian Archeology // Istoriya otechestvennoi arkheologii: dorevolyutsionnoe vremya: mat-ly IV Chteniy po istoriografii arkheologii Evrazii. - Voronezh: Voronezh. State University, 2004, pp. 59-66.

Pryakhin A.D. History of Russian archeology. - Voronezh: Voronezh, State University, 2005. - Part I: Russian Pre-revolutionary Archeology. - 185 p.

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The article was submitted to the Editorial Board on 21.02.14.

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